Teachers work incredibly hard. Unless you live with one, you probably don’t realize the extent of it. One thing I’m relieved to leave behind after stepping away from school is the inevitable question, often asked with a hint of cynicism, “Bet you’re glad it’s school holidays again?”
Teaching has always been a challenging job, but it's become even more demanding than when I started in 1990. The rise in compliance requirements is one of the biggest drivers of this intensified workload. While accountability is essential, the problem is that the additional requirements haven't been paired with systems that make compliance manageable.
Take, for example, the introduction of the NDIS. Since its rollout, teacher administrative duties have reportedly increased by 90%. Teachers now spend hours compiling evidence for the NCCD (Nationally Consistent Collection of Data) to ensure they’re ready for audits. Because teachers care deeply about their students, they often do far more than required, and the lack of clear guidelines or efficient systems only exacerbates the problem.
On top of the administrative burden, teachers are rolling out a new version of the Australian curriculum, there is a mental health crisis among young people that is almost at epidemic proportions, there are escalating behaviour and engagement issues, abusive parents, and relentless media criticism about declining educational standards. All of this is leading to a wave of teacher burnout, with many leaving the profession in search of a better work-life balance.
At the same time, there’s widespread acknowledgment that our current approach to education is outdated but. The desire for transformation is evident, as seen in the high attendance at conferences like EdTech and ACEL’s 2024 "Reimagining Education," but enthusiasm often doesn’t translate into action. Instead of innovating, everything that is old is made new again.
Why, when we instinctively know that we’re not adequately preparing students for a rapidly changing, AI-driven world, are school leaders not leading the charge?
The answer is simple but troubling: Principals are paralysed by the fear of overwhelming their staff. Teachers are already at their breaking point and asking them to do more feels like pushing them over the edge.
In essence, change isn’t stalling due to a lack of desire—it’s the weight of the barriers that leaves leaders unsure of where to begin.
What if there was a solution?
These problems have been behind the motivation of Vivedus. The Vivedus platform was designed to address the very challenges paralysing schools today. It has been developed by educators for educators bring back the joy to teaching. Here's how it helps:
- Supporting Teacher Growth: As teachers use the platform to do their work (plan for learning), they simultaneously develop their practice.
- Reducing Administrative Work: The time spent on data collection for NCCD is slashed to nearly zero. Teachers have all they need—curriculum resources, collaborative tools, and student adjustments—right at their fingertips.
- Boosting Student Engagement: Our pedagogical approaches help students make meaningful connections with their learning, improving engagement.
- Real-Time Insights: Vivedus provides real-time data on the quality of teaching and learning in every classroom, insights that help school leaders make better decisions as to how to support their teachers.
- Improving School Culture: The platform invites teachers to give feedback about their work environment, fostering a culture of trust and growth which in turn improves everyone’s wellbeing.
- Developing Leadership: For school leaders, Vivedus offers tools to provide feedback on their leadership practices, supporting their professional growth.
While I’m concerned about the future, we also live in an exciting time. With technology like the kind we have developed at Vivedus, we have the tools to solve many of the complex problems facing the teaching profession today.
The Vivedus Planner makes all of this possible simply by changing the way teachers plan for learning.
Let’s not be paralysed by the challenges—let’s embrace the solutions.
Let’s chat about how Vivedus can help you bring back the joy of teaching in your school.