Vivedus is a Learning Activation Model designed to activate creative intelligence.
Vivedus offers the only Learning Activation Model integrated with a digital, AI-enabled Platform that empowers educators to teach and assess creative intelligence while providing school leaders with precise insights into the quality of teaching and learning across every classroom. Using the platform also significantly reduces teacher workload.
The Vivedus Platform is made up of five modules, the:
- Planner tool (for teachers);
- Growth and Progression tool (for teachers);
- Community of Practice (for teachers);
- Learner Profile (for students);
- Diagnostic Dashboard (for school leaders).
The most complex module to code is the Planner tool. AI has been integrated into this module, generating ideas for teachers to include into their planning for learning. We have an MVP for the Planner which was showcased on Monday 29 July to 14 teachers at Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School.
This is a collation of the feedback we received from that session:
What was most interesting about the Model and Platform?
"The flexibility"
"Use of AI to save time"
"The integration of all planning tools and documents"
"The ease of NCCD evidence collection"
"The emphasis on creative thinking"
How intuitive was the Platform to use?
"Easy to use" (the majority of responses, none said it was difficult)
What features in the Platform are most helpful to you as you plan for learning?
"The incorporation of the ACARA and Senior Studies curriculum documents"
"The inclusion of AI"
"The simple 'drag and drop' nature of building a planning document"
"The time saving for NCCD"
Where can you see the time saving benefits in using the Plaform?
"The ability to collaborate without needing to find the time"
"The integration of everything I need to plan for learning"
"NCCD requirements"
What possibilities do you see with the Platform?
"The opportunity to collaborate with colleagues"
"The ability to share planning while still being able to differentiate for your own students"
"The opportunity for consistency across the school"
The Planner module will be completed by 6 September 2024 when we plan to run our first Onboarding Program for our first Vivedus school.
While the Development Team write the code, the research team continue to develop new assets and tools for the remaining modules. Most of this work for the Growth and Progression tool has been done, ready for the Development team to write the code from 7 September 2024. The research work for the Learner Profile is being done with the University of Melbourne and should be completed by the end of 2024.
Alongside the research and development of assets and tools for the Vivedus Platform the research team have been developing a suite of resources for schools, including resources for leadership, change-management, communications and professional development.
We have garnered interest from around the globe for Vivedus, resulting in meetings with:
- Lutheran Education Queensland (26 schools);
- Townsville Catholic Education Office (29 schools); and,
- Solidariteit Skoleondersteuningsentrum in South Africa (1,000 schools),
as well as numerous individual schools across the country.
In addition, we have been in conversation with a number of companies who work in a similar space, including STEM Punks, the Ed Institute, Future Anything and Young Change Agents. The most promising company is STEM Punks. They are currently preparing an MOU to sign (to protect each other’s IP) so we can continue conversations as to what a partnership may look like. It was STEM Punks who introduced us to the organisation in South Africa who run over 1,000 schools.